Explore: Ruby’s Shake Shack in Newport

Newport Beach, CA

I have three goals for the summer:

1. Read more in my spare time.

2. Stay consistent with going to the gym and taking care of myself.

3. Explore beautiful places in the OC.

I really want to take advantage of the free time I’ll have this summer. Although, with a social media internship, freelance graphic design internship, and a new assistant job going on, I’m glad that I’m able to find the time for it.

For now my goal is to go to at least one new place a week to either explore, hike, or read. I realize that I won’t be living in the OC forever and I’ve taken advantage of how many beautiful places there are to see. So here I begin!


Visit the Yelp page here.
Currently reading: “The Amazing Adventures of Working Girl” by Karen Burns

The weather was beautiful today and I wanted to get outside of the apartment, so I decided to find somewhere by the beach to read. Ruby’s Shake Shack has outdoor seating facing the beach, so it was a perfect place to sit and enjoy a milkshake and to watch the waves crash on the sand.

People seem to walk over from Crystal Cove State Park to grab a burger and fries before they head back to the beach, but if you’re not a fan of sand, I really recommend just sitting by the deck and taking in how beautiful the beach is. The only con of coming here is the parking. I waited 20 minutes just to get a parking spot today, but maybe there’s better luck with parking during the weekday. If you burn easily (like me), I recommend coming just before the sun sets because the sun will burn!

Overall Rating: 8/10

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